Seklers sauerkraut Stew
You will need for this recipe beef or pork stew and sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is sour or pickled cabbage, it is extremely high in vitamins C, B and K. Sauerkraut has been used in Europe for centuries to treat stomach ulcers and for treat cold during winter.
500 gr diced beef or pork
800 gr grated sauerkraut
1 stock
1 medium onion
1 medium bell pepper
1 clove smashed garlic
2 bay leaves
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
hald teaspoon ground caraway
2 teaspoon paprika
half teaspoon salt
100 ml cooking cream (the original recipe is with 100 sour cream and 1,5 tablespoon flour)
1. Dice the onion and fry them in a little oil. Sprinkle with paprika and black pepper, mix it well. You should take out the pot from the heat when you are adding the paprika and to put back on low heat.
2. Cut the bell pepper and add to the onion with the beef cubes, mix it well. Cook on medium fire 2-3 minutes. Pour 300 ml water on the cubes, add the bay leaves and salt. Cover the pot with a lid and cook on medium fire until the water is boiling ,than add the stock,caraway and garlic and cook for 15 minutes.
3. Add the sauerkraut to the stew, mix it, cover the pot and cook another 10 minutes.
4. Pour the cream cooking in the stew, mix it and cook 3-4 minutes on low heat. If you use flour and sour cream, than you should mix the flour with the sour cream, add 2 tablespoon hot liquid from the stew, mix it well and pour over the sauerkraut.
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