Raw paleo chocolate nuts bar (paleo, dairy-gluten, flour and processed sugar free) These fudge bars will satisfy all your chocola...
Grapefruit with dark chocolate (paleo, dates, nuts, gluten, flour, processed sugar and eggs free)
Grapefruit with dark chocolate (paleo, dates, nuts, gluten, flour, processed sugar and eggs free) Grapefruit is an excellent sour...
Paleo date with coconut rolls (paleo, gluten-,diary-, egg and nuts free)
Paleo date and coconut rolls (paleo, gluten-,diary-, egg and nuts free) It is a long time since I have been wanting to make a new...
Banana microwave mug cake (paleo friendly, diary-, nuts- ,flour-, processed sugar free)
Banana microwave mug cake (paleo friendly) I am not big fan of microwaves, but I have to admit that make our life more easier. I h...
Homemade paleo Bounty bars (paleo, dairy, nuts free)
Homemade paleo Bounty bars (paleo, dairy, nuts free) I bet this bars you will like better than that what you have used to buy fr...
Healthy paleo crepes with apple filling (paleo, dairy free )
Healthy paleo crepes with apple filling (paleo, dairy free ) I love crepes, especially the Hungarians ones. It was a hard job to get a p...
Raw coconut balls (paleo)
Raw coconut balls (paleo) I have a sweet tooth, hence I have to eat some sweets during my diet. This is not problem when you are followi...