Cacao cake (dairy free, flour free and processed sugar free) I forgot to post this super delicious and easy to make cake recipe. A...
Coconut raw cake (dairy free, gluten free, eggs free, paleo dessert)
Coconut raw cake I love to make raw cakes, they are easy to make, and you can combine different tastes. Ingredients: For the ba...
Cacao muffin (paleo, sugar, flour and dairy free)
Cacao muffin (paleo, sugar, flour and dairy free) Since I have been following the paleo diet, I am after muffin recipes. I tried ...
Gingerbread paleo keto cookies (dairy free, flour free, sugar free )
Gingerbread paleo keto cookies Not only as az Xmas cookie. You can add more chocolate chunks, or nuts to have your family favorite paleo...
Lemon coconut tart (raw dessert, dairy , flour and processed sugar free)
Lemon coconut tart (raw dessert, dairy , nut , flour and processed sugar free) Another delish paleo recipe, made gluten, dairy and proce...
Soft apple cake (paleo, keto diet)
Paleo soft apple cake How paleo diet ban the dairy and wheat, but I wanted to eat something sweet so ,I made a healthy very delicious ap...
Gluten,- dairy- nuts free brownie (paleo, atkins)
Gluten,- dairy- nuts free brownie (paleo, atkins) Hands up who likes brownies? Or who has a sweet tooth? Yep I imagine that, many...
Paleo strawberry dumplings (dairy, nuts and gluten free)
Paleo strawberry dumplings (dairy, nuts and gluten free) Have you ever eaten dumplings? Back in my home country we are making t...
Paleo chocolate mousse cake (dairy free, raw dessert, keto, paleo, gluten free)
Paleo chocolate mousse cake (dairy free, raw dessert, keto, paleo, gluten free) I love to prepare raw desserts. I am sure once you...
Paleo crepes with chocolate cream. (dairy and processed sugar free, gluten free, flour free)
Paleo crepes with chocolate cream. (dairy and processed sugar free, gluten free, flour free) Back in my home country you can find ...
Paleo dates ice cream (dairy, flour, eggs and gluten free)
Paleo dates ice cream (dairy, flour, eggs and gluten free) Everybody wish is a cold dessert in a hot day, hence I thought to give ...
Paleo pistachio cream (dairy free, gluten free , processed sugar free and no bake)
Paleo pistachio cream (dairy free, gluten free , processed sugar free and no bake) Here I will share with you another simple but v...
Raw paleo chocolate nuts bar (paleo, dairy-gluten, flour and processed sugar free)
Raw paleo chocolate nuts bar (paleo, dairy-gluten, flour and processed sugar free) These fudge bars will satisfy all your chocola...
Paleo chocolate fudge (paleo, dairy- flour, processed sugar free)
Paleo chocolate fudge (paleo, dairy- flour, processed sugar free) Browsing for new recipes on the net I found a paleo soft chocol...
Grapefruit with dark chocolate (paleo, dates, nuts, gluten, flour, processed sugar and eggs free)
Grapefruit with dark chocolate (paleo, dates, nuts, gluten, flour, processed sugar and eggs free) Grapefruit is an excellent sour...
Paleo date with coconut rolls (paleo, gluten-,diary-, egg and nuts free)
Paleo date and coconut rolls (paleo, gluten-,diary-, egg and nuts free) It is a long time since I have been wanting to make a new...
Banana microwave mug cake (paleo friendly, diary-, nuts- ,flour-, processed sugar free)
Banana microwave mug cake (paleo friendly) I am not big fan of microwaves, but I have to admit that make our life more easier. I h...