Cacao cake (dairy free, flour free and processed sugar free) I forgot to post this super delicious and easy to make cake recipe. A...
Paleo lunch (dairy , flour and sugar free recipes)
Paleo lunch When you are following a dairy or flour free diet or life style, the lunch box make you hard days. I don`t k...
Lemon coconut tart (raw dessert, dairy , flour and processed sugar free)
Lemon coconut tart (raw dessert, dairy , nut , flour and processed sugar free) Another delish paleo recipe, made gluten, dairy and proce...
Gluten,- dairy- nuts free brownie (paleo, atkins)
Gluten,- dairy- nuts free brownie (paleo, atkins) Hands up who likes brownies? Or who has a sweet tooth? Yep I imagine that, many...
Caponata Sicilians the vegetarian heaven (paleo, dairy free, gluten free, and keto)
Caponata Siciliana the vegetarian heaven (paleo, dairy free, gluten free, and keto) Yummy, one of my favorite dish. Caponata...
Vegetarian pancakes (paleo, keto, dairy free, gluten and flour free)
Veggie pancakes (paleo, keto, dairy free, gluten and flour free) Since I made my first veggie pancakes I am making every week som...
Paleo chicken nuggets (dairy- gluten- flour and eggs free, paleo)
Paleo chicken nuggets (dairy- gluten- flour and eggs free, paleo) I am in love in chicken nuggets, I believe they are the best fa...
About Paleo diet.
About Paleo diet Our bodies have adapted over the course of millions of years to a form that is highly suited for survival in its ...
Paleo date with coconut rolls (paleo, gluten-,diary-, egg and nuts free)
Paleo date and coconut rolls (paleo, gluten-,diary-, egg and nuts free) It is a long time since I have been wanting to make a new...
Homemade paleo Bounty bars (paleo, dairy, nuts free)
Homemade paleo Bounty bars (paleo, dairy, nuts free) I bet this bars you will like better than that what you have used to buy fr...