Chicken and potato with parsley Potato with parsley is a well known food in Hungary and I believe is also known in Germany and Austr...
Whole Roast chicken
Whole Roast chicken Roasted chicken is one of the best dinner what can have a meat lover. With different salads or a light side-dish ca...
Spaghetti Milanese
Spaghetti Milanese Is one of my favorite pasta recipe, but you also need to know how many households so many recipes for this Italian...
Diet dinner
Diet dinner Not necessarily a healthy diet dinner is tasteless, with a few ingredients and seasonings you can prepare a tasty dinne...
Shrimp on rice with nuts
Shrimp on rice with nuts Shrimps can be very delicious if you know how to prepare it. Cooked with lemon juice or coconut milk it can be...
Juicy oven roosted chicken and carrot
Juicy oven roosted chicken and carrot I adore making pot roast for dinner since I can pop it in the oven for the entire 1 hour. My hu...
Vegetable soup with meatballs
Vegetable soup with meatballs If you want to eat a delicious soup, than you should try this recipe. It is working well with almost all ...
Meatballs in sour cream
Meatballs in sour cream Meatballs can be made with tomato sauces or sour cream, both is great for a lunch or dinner. Easy to make and t...
Vegetarian breakfast
Vegetarian breakfast If you don`t know what to eat in the morning, because you are bored from your oats and yogurt, than you should t...
Classic Cabbage Rolls
Classic Cabbage Rolls Cabbage rolls can be eaten for Lunch or Dinner, on Sunday or during the day. Each family make after they taste, a...
Chicken with mushrooms
Chicken with mushrooms Is a very easy and tasty recipe what you can prepare in a few minutes, for your Lunch or dinner. Serve with sma...
Moroccan lentil soup
Moroccan lentil soup Moroccan soup is a tasty soup made from lentils what have a few common ingredients with the Indian lentil soup. In...